Hampden's mission is to empower others through fashion. Our values of Authenticity, Connection, and Gratitude not only guide us on how to show up for our clients, but also how we show up for our coworkers. We believe in supporting each other to be the best version of themselves, and honor each person's individual talents and perspectives. It is through each unique person on our team that our company will grow to the next level.
Application links will take you to our Human Resources partner, Allora. After submitting your application in their portal, someone from Allora will reach out to you if you're chosen to move forward through the interview process.
How To Spot Recruitment Fraud
Recruitment fraud is a sophisticated scam offering fake job opportunities to job seekers. This type of fraud is normally carried out through fake emails, fake websites, or messaging apps by persons claming to be from Hampden. The fraudsters often request recipients to provide personal information and make payments as part of their fake recruiting process.
Hampden will NEVER ask for any financial commitment from a candidate as pre-employment requirement.
How to identify fraud:
1. All valid Hampden jobs will be posted on this web page.
2. Hampden will never ask for your personal financial or banking information, or require any financial commitment as part of our candidate search or application process.
3. We will never ask you to purchase anything as part of your onboarding.
4. Hampden never offers a job without an in-person trial day at either our store location at 314 King Street or our distribution center at 747 Meeting Street. Trial days are a required part of our interview process.
5. If you receive an email from a sender other than @hampdenclothing.com or @allorasg.com (our hiring partner) please treat it as fraudulent. Be sure to note the ending of the email after the dot. Our email addresses will always end in ".com"